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ReFINDSPACE declutters, organises and creates space in homes, garages and sheds for people who are overwhelmed, moving or time-poor.


ReFINDSPACE helps people make decisions on what to keep, what to give to charities, family members or friends, or what to just throw away. We help create workable and customised systems for your lifestyle. 


Whether you are organising, clearing a deceased estate, moving house, down-sizing or simply needing to create extra room, we can work with you or independently to achieve your goals.


ReFINDSPACE is a small, reliable and confidential service to help you create the environment you want in your home or office.


Every home is unique and the needs of each household is different.  RefFINDSPACE adapts to any situation whether it be a dirty old shed needing decluttering or the interior of a kitchen needing organising, no job is too difficult. 

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